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Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to Stop Making Excuses Not to Jog - wikiHow

How to Stop Making Excuses Not to Jog - wikiHow: "Jogging is a healthy activity that helps to improve your cardiovascular system, helps you to lose weight, and helps you to keep in shape.[1] In addition, it helps to increase your stamina and endurance, and can contribute to stronger bones.[2] With all of these benefits and many more, why then is it so hard to get out there and maintain a jogging streak? Reasons for putting off jogging include feeling tired, the temperature outdoors being 'wrong', pain, and not finding the time.
Each of these excuses and more can be rebutted provided you know both what's stopping you and what's likely to get you motivated again. So excuses, schmuses, here are some 'cures' for them."

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