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Monday, July 4, 2011

Send and receive SMS text messages with Ruby and a GSM/GPRS modem [ruby] [sms] [text] [messages] [message] [gsm] [at] [modem] [gprs] [texting]

Send and receive SMS text messages with Ruby and a GSM/GPRS modem [ruby] [sms] [text] [messages] [message] [gsm] [at] [modem] [gprs] [texting]: "Send and receive SMS text messages with Ruby and a GSM/GPRS modem"

require 'serialport' require 'time'  class GSM      SMSC = "+447785016005"  # SMSC for Vodafone UK - change for other networks    def initialize(options = {})     @port =[:port] || 3, options[:baud] || 38400, options[:bits] || 8, options[:stop] || 1, SerialPort::NONE)     @debug = options[:debug]     cmd("AT")     # Set to text mode     cmd("AT+CMGF=1")     # Set SMSC number     cmd("AT+CSCA=\"#{SMSC}\"")       end      def close     @port.close   end      def cmd(cmd)     @port.write(cmd + "\r")     wait   end      def wait     buffer = ''     while[@port], [], [], 0.25)       chr = @port.getc.chr;       print chr if @debug == true       buffer += chr     end     buffer   end    def send_sms(options)     cmd("AT+CMGS=\"#{options[:number]}\"")     cmd("#{options[:message][0..140]}#{26.chr}\r\r")     sleep 3     wait     cmd("AT")   end      class SMS     attr_accessor :id, :sender, :message, :connection     attr_writer :time          def initialize(params)         @id = params[:id]; @sender = params[:sender]; @time = params[:time]; @message = params[:message]; @connection = params[:connection]     end          def delete       @connection.cmd("AT+CMGD=#{@id}")     end          def time       # This MAY need to be changed for non-UK situations, I'm not sure       # how standardized SMS timestamps are..       Time.parse(@time.sub(/(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)/, '\2/\3/20\1'))     end   end      def messages     sms = cmd("AT+CMGL=\"ALL\"")     # Ugly, ugly, ugly!     msgs = sms.scan(/\+CMGL\:\s*?(\d+)\,.*?\,\"(.+?)\"\,.*?\,\"(.+?)\".*?\n(.*)/)     return nil unless msgs     msgs.collect!{ |m| => self, :id => m[0], :sender => m[1], :time => m[2], :message => m[3].chomp) } rescue nil   end end   destination_number = "+44 someone else"  p = => false)  # Send a text message p.send_sms(:number => destination_number, :message => "Test at #{}")  # Read text messages from phone p.messages.each do |msg|   puts "#{} - #{msg.time} - #{msg.sender} - #{msg.message}"   # msg.delete end

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