And why did MSNBC all this writer to produce this article on MSNBC?, I categorically don't care about the following graph's results because the fact is of course people are going to be more interested in developing for "the most sold" products out on the market.
To the point, I am sure if a survey said, "Who would you like to make a game for Xbox Kinect or Sony PS3's Move or Wii Motion" the answer would obviously be for the Kinect... Why? Because A.) it is the best IMHO but B.) it has sold the most units albeit of new systems... Wii is dead because the unit has no power to produce quality games.
That is not to say that Wii is dead as a company or couldn't come out with something better the next time....
Here is the Graph in question:

What I don't understand is hasn't anyone learned anything about the Power of Microsoft? I can categorically say the biggest company that is going to fall by the wayside because of the entrance of WP7 = Android... Their tablet has a better shot than their phone OS... Why? It is a complete knock off of Apple and in that case it doesn't have a Zune or Itunes... The only reason why Android rose was because of the AT&T exclusivity of the Iphone... Well that is gone and WP7 has just entered into the scene...
All I ever have to say is "Connect YOUR Android to a PC." It is a pain in the rear... Zune and Itune make this into the most simplest thing ever.
With that said WP7 will prove to be an amazing phone OS, it already is, and mark my word... Android will begin to be the "Biggest Loser" when the terrain changes....
For all the Nokia Symbian MEEPOO dev's need to get a grip. What ecosystem was Symbian planning? In all seriousness what is all the crying about? I haven't bought a nokia in years because I didn't even know they made smartphone devices... WM 5 - 6.5 was kicking their butt's all over the place and everyone know's that is 100% fact.
I am tired of all these tech writers talking out of the corners of their mouths... Nobody has the ability to "see" anything in the foreseeable future...
All I know is this...
WP7 is IMHO the best phone OS out there... Yes I have used all and every OS out there. Creating Apps on something that is a little analougous to Flash i.e. Silverlight IMHO is a great move... = Much better and intuitive looking APPS... This is why I cry and complain all day about MS really needs to be catering to the the FLASH PSD people as that is their easiest / best way of getting people over to the DEV learning community. I am one of those people..
Next, Iphone is Second best but lets be real... They were there first and have the largest following as of now.
This is why the Nokia deal is so profound.
I didn't care Nokia came out with a 12 megapixel phone... Why? Because I knew that I would never be getting a Bank of America app on that phone... Why? No freaking Ecosystem... Lets be real people, that is what Microsoft is able to do for Nokia... Give me a 12 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss len's and a world calls phone OS WP7 and I am happy as a freaking clam... HTC HERO/Indestrucible/SaturntoTheFifthPower be darned... People will be able to make amazingly smart descisions that will be possible because of this technology software and hardware. I LOVE IT... and Can't wait.
Third is obviously Android... But again they exsist because WP7 didn't... WE GOT IT TOUCH SCREEN.... SWIPE... Now, Android what will you be able to do for us? Google Docs? No... Office is online now (FO FREE)!!! Gmail with 8.5449939959949 and grow gigs of space? NO... Live is 100X's better now and you get 25gigs of Disk space for photo's and files... Music Player/service? NO... Google doesn't even know what that is... Zune = Better than Itunes . (period)... What else Google? What else do you got? Because in honestly they have the biggest foreseeable problem heading into the future...
Sorry but if I am going to be a betting man I am betting Iphone OS and WP7x OS to be at the top, and then finally WP breaking away because all of the amazing integration... Which is the natural order of things...
Sorry for the rant.
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