
USB-JIG for Samsung OMNIA 7 - Correct instructions! Quick and very SIMPLE guide !
Use this guide At Your Own Risk!
We are all aware of the latest update problems and corrupted bootloaders (or whatever ). Samsung software fix is not working for lots of OMNIA7 users. More info here.
I made this USB-JIG very easy and I fixed everything with it.
- This tool/fix will put the Samsung Omnia 7 into Download mode
- This tool/fix is fast , safe and easy to make.
You will need:
- Some scissors
- Regular general transparent adhesive tape
- Thin cooper wire (not needed but recommended)
- 3 resistors x100k Cost:0.2eur ( 3x100k = 300k total )
- Time: 15 minutes
5 Steps:
1. - Remove the cooper wire insulation.
2. - Put the wire insulation on the first resistor "leg" and connect all of them in serial order as shown.
(-----> (Brown-Black-Yellow-Gold) --> (Brown-Black-Yellow-Gold) ---> (Brown-Black-Yellow-Gold) --->
Check the order of the color rings twice!
3. - Trim the connections and bend the third resistor "leg" next to the isolated "leg of the first resistor as shown on the picture.
4. - Isolate everything with your general transparent adhesive tape except the last 5 mm of both "legs" of the "Almost finished, Samsung USB-JIG"
5. Bend the endings - very little. Easier to manipulate the usb-jig and connect the pins later.
Your USB-JIG is ready!
Dear Imran,
I am reading your blog, and want to confirm that how I will connect this jig to my Vibrant Mobile, bcoz I have bricked my Mobile and want to recover it ASAP, hope you will help me, my email address is
Waiting for your reply.
Sir please help me I am in a big trouble my s2 i900g is not going on downloa mode just because i tried odin on my phone and may be did something wrong please sir help me I live in lahore Pakistan my email is
I Need This Jig Because I Have Bricked Hard My Samsung Galaxy S i9000 While Installing The Samsung Galaxy s2 Rom On My Phone,So,Its Bricked.And Now Its Not Working,Also Not Going In Download And Android System Mode.Can You Please Send Me Your Jig In Gujranwala,Punjab,Pakistan.
Reply Me Soon.
Dear Imran,
i wanna know does it work for any android brand phone or only work on samsung please reply
Dear Imran,
I wanna know does it work on any android phone or it only work on samsung phone please tell me cuz i bricked my phone i need your help
my email id is
How To Enter Download Mode On Samsung Galaxy Smartphones without any buttons => Samsung Download Mode Jig
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