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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Smartphone Users Opt for Phones Over Sex | Adweek

Smartphone Users Opt for Phones Over Sex | Adweek: "Sex, Love, and Smartphones Tech-lovers would give up sex over phones By Kari Lipschutz"

Would you rather give up your smartphone for a week or sex? According to a national survey, a third of Americans would easily eschew a night of passion in favor of a night of tagging, posting, and poking on their smartphones if faced with the dilemma.

A survey by Telenav wanted to see just how attached peoplewere to their smartphones by pitting common habits andindulgences against the almighty piece of technology. The surveyfound that more than half of respondents would rather toss caffeine,chocolate, or exercise to the wayside for a week than to be withouttheir smartphones. More than 20 percent said they would buck the

“habit” of brushing their teeth just to keeptheir texting fingers agile.

The survey is the most recent in a line of research investigating how smartphone use affects interpersonal relationships. A study by OkCupid found that extremely active Twitter users tended to have shorter relationships than those who refrained from Tweeting altogether or who used the site only on occasion. Though recent research has shown that an increasing number of smartphone users would rather utilize their handheld technologies than interact with other humans, Telenav’s study offered a silver lining: more than 80 percent of iPhone users who responded to the survey said they thought other iPhone users would make ideal partners.

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